Progressive without formaldehyde with a single application!
With exclusive "anti-yellow" system that prevents the yarn from yellowing.
The most advanced volume reduction technology with organic acids in its formula, has a repairing and nourishing action, acting internally and externally on the hair fiber. The results are soft, hydrated and frizz-free hair.
It also has exclusive technology based on the synergy of acidic proteins and amino acids that are biocompatible with the hair fiber. Thanks to low molecular weight proteins, it penetrates the fiber more easily, reducing hair volume. In addition to restoring hair damaged by chemical processes in a single step, it provides natural-looking shine and movement.
It acts efficiently and gently, without damaging the scalp and without giving off a strong odor.
Compatible with hair that has undergone coloring, bleaching, relaxation and straightening.
Contains 1 liter.
Após lavar os cabelos, seque-os com secador. Importante: não escovar os cabelos. Aplique o produto em todo o comprimento do cabelo. Aguarde 30 minutos; para cabelos mais resistentes, deixe agir por mais 10 a 15 minutos. Enxágue bem os cabelos, retirando todo o produto dos fios. Seque os cabelos escovando-os com auxílio de secador. Pranche os fios em mechas finas, no mínimo 12 vezes.