Hair weakened by repeated and often incompatible chemical processes? Don't take any chances!
The Reverse Max Restorer gives professionals more confidence when working with the most varied types of chemistry. Its great difference is the power to break incompatibilities.
An example: hair manipulated with hydroxides (guanidine, sodium and lithium) considered incompatible with Ammonia (in coloring, bleaching and relaxing) thanks to the restorer can be used without problem. Its formulation rich in Amino Acids contains Keratin, Cocoa Extract, Silicones and high-performance emollients. The result is a unique treatment that instantly restructures the hair fiber inside (from the cortex to the cuticle) and prepares it for future chemicals (even the most aggressive ones). In cases where this structure is already compromised, but still has conditions to restore itself, Reverse Max recovers it immediately. In hair that arrives at the salon already "rubberized" by the action of external chemical elements, its use helps to intelligently replace the hair mass, causing the hair to soon return to its natural shape.
Contains 240ml.
- Pulverizar o Restaurador Reverse Max sobre os fios a serem tratados.
- Enluvar mecha a mecha e deixar agir por 10 minutos (não enxaguar).
- Agora o cabelo está pront para receber um processo de descoloração, coloração, alisamento, entre outros processos químicos.
- Durante os processos químicos, verificar as condições dos fios. Se estiverem "emborrachando", aplicar novamente o Restaurador sobre os fios e não enxaguar.